(Flick)Knives Out
LIBERTINES guitarist PETE DOHERTY has been warned he could face jail after pleading guilty to possession of a knife. Doherty made an appearance at Thames Magistrates Court (August 17), where he was facing a charge of possession of an offensive weapon. Inside court, Pete appeared in the dock dressed in a grey suit. The court heard that the alleged incident occurred on June 18, on Hackney Road, London E2 at 12.07am. The prosecuter claimed that Pete was in a public place and without lawful authority, carrying a flick knife, which is an offensive weapon. He was driving a motor vehicle and seen to overtake, when he was stopped by police. Police decided to search the car, where they said they found the knife with a 10cm blade in the right front pocket of his jeans.Speaking in his defence, Brazell said that Pete was interviewed by the road side where he said he'd come back into the country 12 hours earlier, and the knife was purchased lawfully while on holiday. He said that Pete had broken the tip off the knife, so it wasn’t sharp, and when interviewed claimed that it was "not dangerous".
Speaking about Pete the lawyer described him as a "peaceful man" without a history of violence, who had been cooperative throughout. Following the hearing, Doherty has been told he has to meet his probation officer on September 1, and there will a court hearing the same day. A report will be heard and it will then be decided on what happens next. However, one of the Magistrates said that a custodial sentence couldn't be ruled out.

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