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Sobering News From Carl:
CARL BARAT's forthcoming operation is to remove a tumour behind the ear.
As reported last year on NME.COM, Barat has split The Libertines. One of the reasons given at the time was "an ongoing problem with my health, which requires an operation".
NME.COM has learned that the operation is to remove a tumour.
Speaking in this week’s NME about the split of the band and their last ever gigs, Barat said: "It was inevitably poignant. It was laying a tombstone to what's been and gone and also laying a foundation stone for the future… it’s cutting the ribbon into a different realm of freedom. Because The Libertines became constrained."
Barat also revealed that the reason The Libertines played their last gig outside of the UK was that, even now, he was concerned at not hurting Doherty’s feelings.
"I’d like to have (played a tour of Britain)," he said, "but the reason I didn't was because I didn't want to upset Peter, really. I didn't want to rub it in his face. I believe I've done the right thing. I hope he understands it. Of course I'd have loved to play Britain. I'm English… contrary to popular belief! I love the British crowds. I feel a loyalty, affinity and unity with him whatever plight he seems to have been trudged through."
Of his immediate future plans, Barat said: "I'm going to tie up my loose ends, deal with some demons and follow my ridiculous drive to find what's previously been embodied in the word Arcadia. I shan't rest until I find it. So I have to find a home, go to it, take stock and try and understand what this has all been about."
He added: "I intend to contact Peter. I'd like to embrace him on a level of friendship and maybe…. I don’t want him thinking I'm avoiding him… I want him to remember I love him. I get upset when he says things (to the media) that make me sad. I read it. And he knows I read it. I feel nothing evil towards Peter. I get angry sometimes but I know better than to spread it to the rumour mill and the gossipers, like some kind of virus."
While Barat considers his next move, bass player John Hassall has formed a new band, Yeti, in which he sings and plays guitar.
Said Barat: "I've seen Yeti play. I think they're a good band I think he plays well and he seems happy and if I were him I'd do exactly what he's doing. Today we spoke about everything – much of which we’d never discussed before. It was quite liberating for me as there had been some kind of tension. Whatever anyone says I do consider John a Libertine; he’s been nothing but himself."
Finally, Carl sent a message to Libertines fans: "It's your turn, really. All the people who’ve come to our gigs and picked up a guitar, all the people who say they’ve liberated themselves… I look forward to what you come up with."
Get Well Soon Carl!
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